Heavenly Father, I come to You knowing that my chief enemy is Satan and the demonic forces of evil in the spiritual realm, and I know that their ultimate aim is to demolish my trust and dependence on You and cause me to distrust Your word of truth.. Keep me focussed on the Lord Jesus Christ moment-by-moment, knowing that only in Him do I have all that I need to stand fast in the evil day.
Help me day-by-day to be clothed in the spiritual armour that is Your privileged gift to all Your children. May I walk in spirit and truth, peace and righteousness – as led and guided by Your Holy Spirit – and I pray that I never forget that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
Thank You that I am Your child and I pray that in Your strength I may resist the devil and all his evil works. May I remain spiritually alert, knowing that he is a roaring lion who prowls around seeking whom he may devour Lord, because I been justified by the blood of Christ – how much more shall I be saved and protected by the blood of Christ, in these evil times in which we live.
Examine my heart I pray to see if the enemy has any foothold in my life and discover in me any works or ways that are not totally under Your authority and control.. and may I with repentance and godly sorrow seek Your forgiveness and change my ways.. so that I may walk daily in spirit and truth and to Your praise and glory – in Jesus name,