Loving Lord, we thank You for our dear pastor and for the way that he has led and guided the little flock You have placed in his care with such wisdom and grace. Keep him Lord, under the shadow of Your wing, and protect him from the many arrows of the enemy that has sought to trip so many of the leaders in the Church today. May his heart be kept focused on the Word of Truth, and may he love the Lord with all his whole body, soul and spirit as he seeks to encourage, edify and teach all those, that are under his guidance. May he be a man after God’s own heart, who continues to be nourished and fed by You to be Your under-shepherd, to point us to Christ. May he be used by You to be an example of a true disciple and lover of the Lord, not only in his public ministry but in the privacy of his own home. Bless him Lord, keep him and protect him. May be continue to be an example of a godly man who by example, is growing in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Thank You for our pastor, Amen.