Thank you, O Holy One, for all that has led to this wonderful day on our campus.
It is with great anticipation, hope and joy that we greet our new companions.
With them – we enter into a remarkable period in the life of Xavier University.
Bless the wisdom, talents, diversity, and novelty that they bring and share.
For those of us that have called Xavier our professional home for years or decades…
Help us to bring-out the best in those that we welcome today – as they will bring-out the best in us.
Help us to foster their career endeavors and to be receptive to their fresh ideas.
Help us to be gracious and supportive guides to those that we now call “our new colleagues” but who we will soon call “our friends.”
Together – help us to do your work by doing – our work with excellence and reverence.
God Bless our shared mission and future at Xavier.
– Debra Mooney