Thank You, Lord, that You are with us to lead and to guide throughout our earthly walk. Thank You, that You open up doors of opportunity for us, when other doors slam shut, or at times when we feel that we have reached a dead end in our lives. Thank You, for giving me this opportunity, this new beginning, and I pray that You would be with me as I seek to adjust to my new situation and surroundings.I pray Lord, that this is not only a new beginning but a fresh start where You become a central and increasingly important part of all I do, knowing that in and of myself I can do nothing, but that I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Give me the courage to step out into the unknown, holding tightly to Your hand, knowing that You have scheduled every step of my life and have promised to guide my every step, as I look to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith.Into Your hand I place this new beginning, and thank You that in Your strength this may be a fresh start that begins and continues with You. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.