Heavenly Father, I feel that I am stepping out onto the threshold of a completely new beginning with a total change in my lifestyle. Lord, I know that this is a wonderful opportunity that You have graciously opened up for me and I pray that You would be with me to lead and guide, as I seek to become accustomed to so many changes in my life.I pray that You would remain ever close to me, and that I do not stray far from Your side or become lukewarm in my attitude towards the things of God. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and to trust all I say and do into Your capable hands. Provide I pray, all that I need to carry out the tasks and duties that I am called upon to do with grace and courage, and I pray that my joy would be firmly fixed in Jesus and that I may be strengthened with all power from above. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.