Loving Father, thank You Lord for the multiplied blessings there are in marriage, and that You made us male and female and united us together in love. Thank You for my wonderful life-partner, whom I see as a gracious gift from You.Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together in love and for the joy we find in our union with each other and our fellowship with You. I pray that You will continue to draw us closer to each other, to unite us together in love and friendship and to build up our relationship with each passing day.Keep us faithful to the vows that we made to each other and to You when we first became one in our beautiful and holy union. Strengthen our marriage day by day, we pray, and during those times of trials and difficulties, may we cling closer to each other and to You in love and patience, respect and kindness, integrity and forgiveness.May we keep You as the head of our family union and seek to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus’ name we pray,Amen.