Thank You, Lord, that at Calvary’s cross we were saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins. And thank You Father that because of His glorious resurrection we too have been given a new life in Christ, the fullness of His life in ours, the abundant life of Christ within, the hope of glory.Thank You that the sting of death was removed forever when Christ rose from the dead and because He lives, we too will live with Him in heaven eternally. Thank You, that the power of Satan was thwarted fully, finally and once for all, and that in Him I have the resurrected life of Christ as my portion.Help me I pray, to live that resurrected life in Christ. Keep me from walking according to the course of this world, but in spirit and truth, may I yield my life to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You.Thank You, Father, that I have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received Your Spirit of adoption, whereby I can call You Abba, Father. Thank You, that although I was once far away from You, I have been brought near by the blood of Christ Jesus and received this glorious gift of Salvation. I pray that in His power, I may live the resurrected life in spirit and in truth, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.