Heavenly Father, I am fearfully and wonderfully made and when I read that You know the very thoughts of my heart before I even think of them, that You knew all about me when I was in my mother’s womb and that You have scheduled every day of my life, it fills me with awe and wonder at Who You are. I am bewildered and yet humbled to know that the God of the universe knows me so intimately. Lord, I long for a greater knowledge of You, a growing understanding of Who You are and a closer relationship with You. And so, I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You will give me an ever deepening knowledge of You, and a purer understanding of Your gracious ways and holy character. Teach me how to live as You would have me live, and may all I say and do be done as unto the Lord, to Your praise and glory. Use me in whatever way You choose, and I pray that Christ may be seen in me. It was John the Baptist that said, “I must decrease and He must increase,” and I pray that will be the experience in my life, until Christ is all in all. In Jesus’ name, Amen.