Loving Lord, thank You for the wonderful example of Your life, which was lived in spirit and truth. A life that demonstrated love as well as justice, a life that cared for all humanity, especially those who were weak or hurting or marginalised, or those who were sinking into a pit of despair or poverty.Be close to all who are feeling the bitter winds of depression and scarcity their lives and uphold them with the warming breath of Your love and grace. Keep us we pray, from making wrong judgements about those that are suffering affliction or who have been overtaken by the challenges of poverty. Give us a wider perspective on life and a heart of compassion and kindness, especially on those that feel alone, unloved or uncared for.May we become Your eyes and ears and may Your heart of love and grace flow through us to those that are in need. Look down in pity on all who are suffering loss, poverty or unjust discrimination at this time, and we pray that in Your best time Your justice will prevail in each of their lives. Thank You, Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus,Amen.