Heavenly Father, what a joy it is to have a fellowship meal together on this special Thanksgiving holiday and to be able to lift up our united our voices in thanks and praise, for all Your grace and mercy towards us, and for providing for so much more that our basic needs and the simple necessities of life. How good it is to sing praises and thanks to You on this special Thanksgiving Day, for all You goodness and loving kindness to us, for our family, friends and loved ones, for our homes and health, our schools and our work, for our food and clothing, our gifts and talents, and for our emotions, our free-will and our God-given intellect. We thank You for the beauty of nature that surrounds us with the loveliness of the ever-changing seasons that refresh and revitalise us. We bless You for the day and the night and for periods of sleep and rest, so that we may be refreshed and enabled to face the responsibilities of our daily round. But most of all, we bless and thank You for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to be our sacrifice for sin. Thank You, that He was born into the human race so that He could die a sacrificial death, on our account. Thank You that He paid the price for our sin with His precious blood, and that He rose again from the dead, to give us His life. May You be very close to each one of us as we celebrate this special Thanksgiving Day, and may our fellowship one with the other be a sweet perfume to You, as we rejoice together and lift our united voices in praise and thanksgiving, for all that You are and all that You have done for each one of us. This we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.