Thank You, Father, for Your day-by-day provision and for supplying all that we need for life and health. Thank You, Lord, that our table is daily filled with so many good things, just as You have promised and that You faithfully provide for all our bodily necessities. Forgive us for the times when we have been faithless or forgetful of Your generous provision and yet You have never failed to provide the sustenance that we need for our daily life. Lord, the blessings that fall from Your hand are good and gracious and we thank You that in Christ we lack no good thing. Help us never to forget that all good things come from You and keep us from taking Your gracious provision for granted. Instill in each us a heart that is truly grateful and filled our mouths with praise and thanksgiving for our daily food.                                                          We thank You for all You bountiful supply and ask that You would continue to give us our daily bread for our bodily nourishment. To You we give all the praise and glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.