Father, I want to lift up my hands and voice to worship You in thanksgiving and praise, for all the goodness and loving-kindness that You so freely pour out on me with every passing day. Thank You for the grace that You supply moment by moment and day by day, and I pray that You would develop in me a true attitude of gratefulness and a heart that acknowledges the long-suffering way that You are working in so many area of my life. Lord, I am so very grateful to You and pray that You would keep my heart filled with appreciation for all You have done for me. Develop in me a godly attitude of gratefulness so that I may never cease to praise You for Your gracious goodness to me and to all people. May I learn to recognise that all the gifts and graces I have is a result of Your loving-kindness towards me, and may I never cease to lift up my hands and voice to You in grateful praise for all You are doing in my life. May the Lord Jesus be glorified I pray, Amen.