Heavenly Father, the past few years seem to have sped by and here we are preparing for the graduation of our precious child, who not so long ago was a helpless babe in our arms. Thank You for this child that You gave us to care for and nurture, and as they face the unknown future we pray that You would draw very close to them and lead and guide in the days that lie ahead. Our own hearts are a mixture of contrasting emotions, pride in their achievement, and concern for their future well-being. But we do pray that this graduation ceremony would be a special time of celebration and that nothing would mar the joy and excited anticipation we are feeling, despite the inevitable tinges of apprehension. As our child reaches this important milestone in their life, we ask for Your continued presence to lead and to guide in all things. And as they step out into the unknown world of new responsibilities and life-challenges, we finally hand them completely over into Your safe-keeping, and ask that Your presence will accompany them. May they continue to grow in grace and draw ever closer to You with each passing day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.