Loving Heavenly Father, how my heart bows before You in humble and sincere gratitude for all the many blessings that You have bestowed upon me, for the life that You have given me, and the way that You have sustained me and cared for me, for which I offer You my grateful thanks. Thank You for my family and friends, my community and church and all the wonderful ways that You have led and guided us through both the joyful times and the difficult seasons of life. Thank You, for the wonderful world into which we have been placed and the beauties that surround us, the sea and the sky and the hills and the valleys – for all the delights that You have placed in our lives in such abundance. Thank You most of all, for sending us the Lord Jesus to die on the cross so save us from our sins, covering us with His own perfect righteousness and raising us up to sit with Him in heavenly places, when we deserve nothing but punishment. Lord, we are not worthy to untie Your shoe-laces and yet in Your great grace and mercy You have freely given us all things to richly enjoy. Words cannot express the gratitude that is in my heart. Help me Lord to be the person You would have me be. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.