Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, we are gathered here to celebrate this special day and thank You for the marriage vows that have been exchanged between the bride and groom. We pray Your blessing on their shared commitment to each other, and pray that Your lasting grace and peace would rest on their future life together. Thank You for the many friends and family members who have been able to support the happy couple in person, as they make their life-long commitment to one another, and for the fellowship that we are all enjoying around this meal table. We ask Your blessing on this first meal that they will share together as man and wife, and pray Your continued blessing on their future life together. May You lead and direct their future path and may they always keep Jesus at the centre of their marriage, and rely on Him in all things. Bless us all as we join together in this celebration meal, and may Your grace and love rest on each person that is present and each family that is represented here. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.