How we bless and thank You Father, for the great grace and love that You have poured out abundantly on mankind by sending Your only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sakes, so that by believing in Him we may be forgiven of our sins and receive Your free gift of eternal life. How we praise You, our God and Saviour. Thank You, that our whole Christian life is flooded with Your grace, for not only have You saved us from eternal death and the shocking consequences of our sins, but You have broken the power of sin in the life of each of Your children. We do not have to be slaves to the sin nature anymore, but are free to walk in newness of life, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. How we praise Your holy name. And Lord, what great hope we have in our eternal future, our heavenly home, our eternal life and the abundant riches of Your grace, for You have promised to change our lowly bodies to become just like unto Your glorious resurrected body, for all eternity. All of this is because of Your amazing and wonderful grace, for which we rejoice and praise You. Hosanna to Your wonderful name, for all Your goodness and loving kindness towards us.We lift our hearts in humble thanks for the glories of Your grace, for which we will praise You through time and into eternity. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.