Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am justified by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I desire to live a life that is set apart to You, to live a sanctified life that is honouring to Your name. Lord, I know that only as Jesus lives in me and works through me, will I be able to live the sanctified life that You desire, and grow in grace and mature in the faith as You Word instructs, and so I come today to ask You for sanctifying grace to live the life I have been called to live. I pray that You would pour out Your sanctifying grace in great measure, so that I can avoid what is evil and do that which is pleasing in Your sight. I pray that my whole spirit, soul and body would be kept blameless before You, and that I would shun that which is evil, abstain from sexual immorality and walk blameless before You, in love. I also pray this prayer for all those that have trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, that they would develop a deep desire to be holy, for You are holy. Thank You, that You have promised to work in all You children, so that we may be found blameless on the day of Christ Jesus. I pray that You would give me the grace to be salt and light to those around me, and to break free from any sinful lust or worldly desires, so that I may be found blameless on that day when I stand before You. This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.