Loving Lord, I thank and praise You for my job and my place of work. You have been gracious in providing this position for me and I thank and bless You for always being there for me. As I carry out my daily duty at work, I pray that You would lead and guide so that I may be a good witness to my workmates as well as the management. I pray that by Your grace I would bring the fragrance of the Lord Jesus into the work-place so that others would want to know the beauty of His Person and come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus. Give me the strength and stamina to work well and produce of my best to Your praise and glory. Give me wisdom in the decisions I may be called upon to make and give me a gracious attitude, even in in the midst of those moments of stress and weariness. Give me grace also to bear any ridicule and jokes that are sometimes made at my expense because of my trust in Jesus. May I learn to rejoice in everything, even on those occasions when I am treated differently or ignored due to my Christian faith, knowing that I am sharing in the suffering of Christ, Who loved me and gave his life for me. Give me the courage and grace to share the gospel of grace to those who would listen, and may I be used by You to share the good news of the salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.