Loving Father, I come to You today with grateful thanks for the gifts and promises that so readily stream in my direction from You. So often Lord, my foolish heart is filled with worry and anxiety and I find myself looking at the problem of my supply instead of looking to You as my generous Supplier. Please forgive this lack of trust in You, for I know that You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, for which I thank and praise You.Lord, I want to be able to hand over each and every one of my worries to You, and to develop a generous and outgiving personality that keeps my eyes on Jesus, rather than continuing to be the “worrier” that I have become. I know that this does not honour Your name and I so desire to walk in the paths of righteousness and become a person with a generous heart that flows from Your own generosity, a grateful heart that is full of trust and thanks to You, Who have done so much for me.Lord, I know that I cannot change my nature myself, but I do know that in the power of the Holy Spirit I can take my worries and anxieties captive and hand them over to You, turning them into purposeful praise, knowing that in all things You are the supplier of all I need. I ask this in Jesus’ name,Amen.