Dear Father God, how I thank You that I am Your child. I thank You for all that You have done in my life, but most of all I praise You for picking me up and using me in the way that You have, in my little corner of the world. Lord, I believe that You have planted me in exactly the place that You would have me be, and although I may appear to be an insignificant member of Your body, I am not insignificant to You.Lord, I pray that I may be faithful in all that You have called me to do and that my life may be one that glorifies You, not only in my actions and words, but in my thoughts and my motives. I pray that I may be a fruitful member of Your body, knowing that Christ is the true Vine and I am a branch that needs to rest and abide in Him. Let me be content to carry out the work that You have purposed for me to do, whether in a large and important ministry work or simply by attending to the needs and concerns of those that come along my pathway. Oh Lord, that You Yourself would increase in my life and let me decrease, until You are all in all, for I am nothing, and yet You have chosen me to be a part of Your Body and Bride, for which I praise You. May my life be pleasing to You, and may I glorify the Father Who is in heaven, in all I do. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.