Dear Heavenly Father, You are the King of kings and Lord of lords and my eternal rock of Salvation. You alone are worthy to be praised and worshipped. You alone are worthy to receive all honour and glory for You alone are God almighty, the Alpha and Omega. I thank You, Lord, with my whole being that You found a sinner such as me and rescued me from the slavery of the world in which I was embroiled. You lifted me up out of my pit of despair, forgave my sins and clothed me in the pure righteousness of Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour, to Whom be all honour and glory, world without end.Lord, You have told us the secret of fruitfulness is to abide in You and to remain in You, and to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly. Lord, I pray that I would abide in You and grow in grace and mature in the faith, by coming to know the Lord Jesus more and more intimately. I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit working within the temple of my body, I may live a fruitful life that is honouring to the Father. Lord, in You grace and kindness, draw me closer to You. Give me a willing heart, a teachable spirit, listening ears and a watching heart, so that I may come to know and love You more and more with each passing day. Open my eyes to see those areas in my life that are hindering Your good work in me, and lead me on I pray, into ever deepening fellowship with Yourself. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.