Heavenly Father, I praise Your name that I am a new creation in Christ and a member of His body. I thank You that He came to earth to die on the cruel tree so that I could be raised up into newness of life and abide with Him forever, in heavenly places. Help me Lord, to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus and focussed on His victory. Help me to take every thought that enters my mind captive, so that it is not tainted by the ways of the world. Help me not to allow my attention to be diverted away from the things that are eternally important to the temporal things of the world, which are quickly fading away. Help me Lord, to focus on You as I wake in the morning, as I rest at night, and throughout the business of every passing day. Lord, I desire to grow in grace and mature in the faith. Help me not to lose heart or to grow weary with well-doing. but to set my heart on things above, and be ready and willing to give an answer for the glorious hope that is in me. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, Amen.