Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the things that I am learning through the indwelling Holy Spirit, and that the more I abide in You and rest in Your love, the more I find that the fears and disappointments of life seem to fall into their proper perspective. What a comfort to know that although we do have troubles and trials in this life, that the Lord Jesus has overcome every single one of them. And all we have to do to access His strength and sufficiency, is to rest in Him and to abide in His love. It is funny Lord, but for so long I thought that I needed to do lots of good things so that You would give me Your love, Your peace and Your joy. I thought that I had to earn these things. But You have taught me that it is the other way around, and all I have to do is to simply rest in Your love, to receive the peace and joy that only comes from You. What a comfort to understand that it is Your responsibility to carry out the good works that You have already prepared for me to do! And then You do it, through me, in the power of Your Holy Spirit! Wow! Thank You Lord. Oh how it rejoices my heart and comforts my soul, that You do not have to rely on me, but that all I have to do is to rely on You. Praise Your holy name!Amen.