Lord, I thank You that there is nothing that happens to me or to my loved ones that You do not know about, and that no matter what takes place in our lives, You are with us all of the time. Lord, I know that this world is not our home and that You have prepared a place in glory for all who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour. Thank You that however hard or difficult this life becomes and whatever befalls us, we know that what we endure through the trials of life, and the blackness and pain we may feel along the way will one day be lifted forever, when You come to take us to be with Yourself, when we will be with You in Your glorious heavenly home, for evermore. Thank You, that the weeping of the night that we are going through during our sojourn on earth, really will end in the most joyous morning, which You have promised to all who have trusted You. I praise Your name that You have kept all our tears in a bottle for You know our sadness, and have promised to wipe away all the tears and pain that we have endured. Lord, I do thank You that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient for all the hard times and trials that we may meet in this world. Praise Your holy name. Thank You that You have promised the sufficiency of your wonderful grace to support us through this wilderness walk on earth. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.