Heavenly Father, I love my wife but am grieved to discover that she is becoming increasingly reliant on drugs and it is having a really bad effect on her, on our family, on me and on our relationship. Lord, in Your mercy and grace, please help her I pray, and show me how I can support her through this difficult and distressing time, so that she may be freed from the bad effects that these drugs are having. Lord, I know that this is a problem that many women are facing, and I know that there are many other husbands like me that are facing the same difficulties of broken hearts, destroyed lives and damaged relationships, and so I lift up all men and husbands who like myself, find themselves in this same situation. Show me Lord what to do, I pray. I am looking to You and relying on You to help me in this time of need. I ask this in humility of heart and brokenness of spirit, knowing that You alone have the ability and power to bring us through and to free her from the reliance she now has on these drugs. Thank You in Jesus’ name, Amen.