Lord I know that only You can give hope in despair, joy in pain and peace in a shattered heart, and I am in such desperate need and deep despair.. I just don’t know which way to turn – and in my desperation I am asking You to help me. Please Lord HELP Me and show me what to do. My life is in such a mess and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong – and I don’t know what to do or which way to turn.
Please help me. I know that I cannot go on alone and I need You to carry me through.. and I know the Bible says that You have promised never to leave me or forsake me and that Your arms are underneath me and all around me and that You are holding me tightly with Your righteous right hand. Thank You for that..
Show me what to do. Help me to get through this difficult time and turn my life around I pray.. I am sorry for all my sins and know that I have no right to come to You for help.. but I also believe that You have said that all who trust in Jesus as Saviour can come to You to ask for help in time of need – and Lord I trust in You – I repent of all my sins and place my life and my future in Your hand and ask You to have compassion on me and lift me out of this pit of despair – and restore hope and joy and peace in my heart I pray – this I ask in Jesus name,