Dear Lord, I thank You that I am Your child and that You are my Saviour. Lord, there is one part of me that just longs to be with you. More and more I feel that this world is not my home, for my citizenship is in heaven and my home is with You, for which I praise Your holy name. Lord, many of those that I love are already with You, and the thought of reunion with them is just wonderful. But I also know that our times are in Your hands, and You will call me home to be with Yourself, and those that I love, in Your own good time and in Your own good way. Lord, I know that to be present with the Lord is what I desire, but I pray that until that wonderful time arrives that You will work a good work in and through my life, so that Christ may be seen in me. I pray that my life is pleasing to You and a holy witness to those that I meet. I pray Lord, that You would take what little I have and use it to Your praise and glory, and at Your appointed time and in Your great love, I pray that You will call me home to be with Yourself forever. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.