Loving Lord, You have given me the most wonderful son whom I love dearly, and I know that the day is fast approaching when he will find his own dear wife with whom to be united, to love and cherish, to cleave to for the rest of his life. Go before him I pray, and bring into his life the wife that You have chosen for him. I pray for this woman who will become our precious daughter-in-law, and ask that she may be one who loves the Lord Jesus with all her heart and will become a true ‘help-meet’ for our son. Prepare the hearts of them both Lord, as they journey towards that day when they will finally meet each other. I pray that You will bless their union and life together. In the meantime, I pray that both will be circumspect in their relationships with others of the opposite sex, and maintain integrity in body and soul. Keep them both pure in heart and mind, word and deed, and may You guide their continuing steps until that  day when You bring them together in love. Lord, I trust my precious son and future daughter-in-law into Your hands, knowing that You know best for all our lives, and I thank You for what You have done and what You will do in each of their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.