O heavenly Father, what joy my beautiful daughter has become to me and I love her so very much. Lord, I thank You that You placed her in our family and for the joy that she has brought to me and to so many other people too, for which I praise and thank You. Father God, You knew her before she was conceived and loved her before she was born and how I praise and thank You that she is developing a simple, child-like trust in You. How I long that she comes to deep and steadfast faith in Christ, which I know is even more important to You than it is to me, for I know that You love her with an everlasting tenderness, a love that even surpasses my own deep affection for her. I pray that she may develop into a virtuous young woman with an unshakable trust in You, and a pure and tender heart. May she grow in grace and develop integrity, truth, faithfulness and gentleness, with a heart of compassion for others that is so attractive in a young woman of God. I pray for her protection from those that would seek to blemish her loveliness in this increasingly fallen world, and praise and thank You for the love and joy that my beautiful daughter has brought into our lives. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.