Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, how we rejoice as we remember the wonder and joy of the birth of Christ into our fallen world on that first Christmas night, when the Prince of Peace Himself came to tabernacle among men, as was promised to our forefathers so many years before. Thank You for the gift of Your Son. Thank You for the glorious gospel of peace that is shed abroad in our hearts when we trust in His name. Thank You for the Person of Jesus Christ, Who laid aside His heavenly glory and was born to die so that we might be born-again and live. Father, the glorious truth of the gospel of Christ is life and light to the children of men. It is peace and hope, it is love and joy, it is forgiveness and salvation, but too often the Christmas story has lost its impact on a world that has rejected Your truth and adopted the trappings of a world system, that is doomed to fail. Forgive us Lord. Forgive us for the rebellious nature that is so often displayed at this time of the year and look down with compassion and mercy on us all this Christmas time. Rekindle the light of truth in the hearts of men and women throughout the world, as we once again focus our hearts on Your humble birth and the redemption it provides for all who will trust in You, by grace through faith. Give all who have been saved by Your precious blood an abiding peace as we celebrate the beautiful truth of the glorious gospel of grace. In Jesus name, Amen.