Dear Jesus, my friend has developed a lump on her breast and is concerned that this might be cancer. I ask You Lord Jesus to comfort and help her and to guide her, as to who she ought to go and see and what to do about this concern that she has. I know that You have said that if we ask anything in Your name You would do it. I ask You, Lord, to visit my friend at her point of need and minister to her and give her courage, as only You can – and Jesus, I ask that this lump may go right away. I also pray that You will use me to be a comfort and support at this worrying time and I pray that we both learn to rest in You and to trust You in all things, knowing that You care about every part of our lives and our bodies. Thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and I pray for Your healing touch on my dear sister in Christ, that this lump will go away quickly, and we will praise Your name. I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus,Amen.