Heavenly Father, we thank You that in Christ the victory over Satan, sin and death was won at the cross, and yet we know that until Christ has put every enemy under His feet, we are still engaged in spiritual warfare against the enemy of our soul. Keep us ever mindful of this truth. Lord, we know that the weapons of warfare are not physical weapons of the world, they are not carnal or fleshly weapons, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strongholds. Lord, we pray that You would teach us how to demolish spiritual strongholds in our lives and in the lives of others, and to do this Your way and not to try to do so in our own foolish fleshly strength. Teach us to rely on You alone, we pray. Help us to understand the strategies of Satan who seeks to minimise our effectiveness by causing us to doubt Your Word, Your abilities and Your character, and who even seeks to get us to question who we are in Christ. Lord, I pray that my trust in You does not waver, for it is in Your power alone that the strongholds of Satan will crumble. Keep us ever alert and aware to the advantage he gains over us when we are not prepared for spiritual warfare. May we be clothed in Christ, constant in prayer and sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit so that we may overcome the enemy, not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit. We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.