Lord, how I wonder at Your love for me, in that while I was yet a sinner You sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die for my sins, so that in Him I might become Your child and be made the righteous of God.
Father, it staggers the thoughts of my heart to realise that while I was cold and rebellious towards You and and at enmity with God, that You purposed the glorious plan of redemption in Your heart of love, that guilty sinners could be declared righteous, through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died to pay the price for our sins with His own life-blood.
Thank You, that in Your grace and mercy, Your strong arm of love reached down to me, long before my rebellious heart of stone, turned towards You for healing.Lord, my chief complaint is that my love for You is faint and fragile, a love which seems to be so far removed from the depth of love I desire to have for You. Help me I pray, to develop a godly love for You, that is in proportion with the love that You deserve from a sinner such as I, Whom You lifted from the cesspit of sin and chose to save by grace through faith.
Thank You for Your unchanging and unconditional love towards me. Help me more and more to come to a new and deeper understanding of what the Love of God towards me truly means. This I ask in the name of Jesus my Saviour,Amen.