Father, we live in an angry world of increasingly angry people, where our lives are filled with change and transition, and we seem to be moving into a dangerous society that does not resemble a world we once knew. More and more Father, we feel a need to cling ever more closely to You, with each passing day, knowing that You are a God Who never changes towards us.
Help us to fix our hearts and minds on Your eternal and unchanging truth and to wash ourselves daily in the cleansing flood of the water of the Word.Protect us we pray, from those that would seek to undermine our trust in You and may we patiently endure the hardships that we may be called upon to face. Develop in me a true attitude of praise and worship, no matter what the circumstances, and help me I pray, to build myself up in the faith, looking for the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
No matter what difficulties and dangers I may have to face, I pray that in all things, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I may draw ever closer to you, with a genuine attitude of praise and thanksgiving for all that You have done in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.