Heavenly Father, how I praise and glorify You for loving a fallen sinner such as I so much, that You sent Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to go through the door of death so that I could be given full and free access to the gates of heaven, by grace through faith in Him. I wholeheartedly place my faith in You Lord Jesus, and worship and praise You with my spirit, soul and body for coming to earth as a man and paying the price for my sins.
When I came to understand that by rights I deserved a death sentence that You willingly took in my stead, and that the eternal Son of God was sent to earth by the Father, because there was no one else that was good enough to pay the price for sin, it blows me away.Lord, I know that there is nothing that I can do to add to Your finished work on the cross, but I pray that by faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit, I may present my life as a living sacrifice and thank offering to You, for Your goodness and grace to me, a sinner saved by God’s grace. May I never forget the great price that You paid for my sins and give me I pray, a heart to love You more and a faith that stands firm in the truth of Your Word. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour,Amen.