Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for the glorious victory Christ gained through His death, burial and resurrection, breaking the power of Satan and sin in the lives of all who trust in Jesus’ name and banishing death and hell forever in the lives of all who believe in Him. Father, I acknowledge that the victory is Christ’s alone but thanks be to God, that by Your great grace You have given us that same wonderful victory, through our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.Father, although this glorious triumph was completed 2000 years ago, nonetheless it is as potent and powerful in the lives of believers today as it was when the angels declared, “He is not here – He is risen.” Keep me ever looking to Jesus, knowing that this glorious victory has not lost any of its ancient power, but is the single means of overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil, for all believers who choose to abide in Him and He in them.
I pray that I will run the race that is set before me looking to Jesus, and that I may finish the course that You have given to me, as I yield through word and deed to the working of the Holy Spirit within. This I ask in Jesus’ name,Amen.