Heavenly Father, what an astonishing happening took place on that first Christmas morning when the eternal Son of God was born into the human race as the perfect Son of Man, and was clothed in a Body of human flesh, a body that the Father had prepared for Him so that He could become our perfect Kinsman-Redeemer, and save a lost race of sinners from eternal separation from their Creator.It staggers the understanding that He should be born to die, so that we could be reborn to live. How we praise You Father at the wonder of it all, and we thank You that the good news of great joy which was proclaimed to men on earth, should be that Child Who was born of Mary and the Son Who was given by the Father should be called Jesus, Saviour.
Help me never to lose the child-like wonder of the glory of that first Christmas morning, when my God and Saviour was born to die for me. I will praise Your name through time and into eternity, for You alone are worthy of all honour and praise. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.