Dear Father God, I have sinned and become obsessed with gambling to the extent that it has become a terrible compulsion in my life, for which I am deeply ashamed and grieved in my spirit. Lord, I know that there is nothing that commends me to You except that I come in the name of Jesus, and ask that in His name, I might be washed clean of this sin and made whiter than snow. Lord, I know that I cannot do this on my own but only in His strength, only in the power of His Holy Spirit. Lord, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again so that the power of sin might be broken in my life. I confess that I have wandered far from You, but I also know that You are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and of great goodness, and I know that this life-style that has so enwrapped me is not Your will for my life. Help me Lord, to break free. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.