Heavenly Father, we bless and thank You for the role You have purposed for women and for woman-hood in the life of the family. Thank You, that You created Adam in the image and likeness and God and from his side You created woman to be his help-meet and his comforter. Thank You for the institution of marriage, where a man is to leave his father and mother and to cleave unto his wife, so that they become one flesh. And we pray that the allotted roles and biblical responsibilities for both men and women, may be applied in their homes and families, so that together they are rooted and grounded in godly principles.We particularly pray for the role of wives and mothers and thank You for the guiding principles that Your Word provides in establishing the graces and virtues that are so becoming of a godly woman. We pray that You would visit the hearts of all Christian women. May they clothe themselves in humility and love as they submit to their own husbands in truth and love, and live out their life as the virtuous women, whose price is above rubies.May Jesus be the focus and first-love of all godly women, so that each may become a woman after God’s own heart. In Jesus’ name we pray,Amen.