Loving Heavenly Father, You put us into families and set a father as the leader and role model for each family, but Lord, there are many families that are being torn apart by a husband and father that has become addicted to alcohol.Knowing the devastating nature of this disease, I pray that You would prompt each one to turn away from this evil habit to become the responsible husband and father that You desire each one to be.Lord, we know that there are many alcoholic husbands that abuse their wives both physically and emotionally and that many children are also placed in danger due to abuse from an alcoholic father. And also Lord, we know that such drinking habits can often leave families with insufficient money to live on.Protect all those that are vulnerable from all forms of abuse, and convict such men of the responsibilities of being loving husbands and dependable fathers. Lord, we pray that they turn from their evil ways to turn to the Lord Jesus, knowing that only in You is true freedom found.Thank You Father. I commit all families that are in this position into Your safe-keeping. In Jesus’ name,Amen.
“So then, we must pursue what promotes peace and what builds up one another.”
(Romans 14:19)