We thank you, O God,
For those people who are channels of your love in our lives:
For those who gave us birth,
And, in the weakness of our infancy,
Sheltered, nurtured, and treasured us.
For those who taught us to walk,
To talk and to explore tastes, smells, sounds,
And affirmed our strengths,
And the friends young and old
Who share our tears and laughter.
We thank you, Lord,
For the people of strong faith
Who stretch out minds and enlarge our capacity
To explore and understand your ways.
For those at every stage of our journey
Who teach us trust by trusting us,
Who enable us to love others
Through the experience of being loved.
We thank you for those very sincere people
Who have demonstrated the joys and disciplines
Of the kingdom of God,
And especially people who taught us to love you,
Rather than to be afraid of you.
God of love, God of Jesus,
For these healing experiences of growth and loving,
And for the knowledge that the best is yet to come,
We praise your holy name:
Through Jesus Crist our Lord.