Dear Lord, You are the Father of all mercies, Who cares for all Your people with an everlasting love. You are the God of all comfort, Who consoles all those that are suffering the death of a loved one. You are the God of all peace, Who has promised to pour Your perfect peace into the hearts of Your children who are going through the pain and suffering that the loss of a precious loved one brings. Oh Lord, I pray that You would become their strength in this time of loss, their hope in this time of bereavement, their joy in this time of sorrow, and their perfect peace in the turmoil that their hearts must be facing. Thank You that the sting of death has been broken forever, and the curse of the grave has been destroyed through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken forever the power of death and hell, for all who trust in His name. Speak into the hearts of all Your children that are mourning at this time, and let them not mourn as those that have no hope. And Lord, for those that do not yet know You as the Saviour Who died for them, I pray that they will come to know and accept You as their Saviour and find their perfect rest in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.