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Category: Saint Prayers

28 February

O God, Who didst make blessed Raymund, Thy confessor, wonderful in delivering Thy faithful held in captivity by the infidels, grant us by his intercession that, being loosed from the bonds of our sins, we may with quiet minds perform those things which are pleasing to Thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who […]

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28 February

O God, who vouchsafest unto us to keep the heavenly birthday of blessed Placidus and his companions, thy holy Martyrs: grant, we beseech thee; that we may rejoice in the perpetual felicity of their fellowship in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, lives and reigns with You in the unity […]

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28 February

Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications which we make before Thee on the feast of blessed Nicholas, thy holy Confessor: that we, who put not our trust in our own righteousness, may be succoured by the prayers of him that found favour in thy sight. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, […]

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28 February

O God, You were pleased to institute by heavenly direction, through St. John, the order of the Holy Trinity, for redeeming captives from the power of the Saracens; grant, we implore You, that by the suffrage of his merits, we may be delivered by Your grace from captivity of soul and body. Through our Lord […]

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28 February

O God, You taught blessed Hermenegild, Your martyr, to value the kingdom of Heaven more than an earthly throne; grant, we pray you, that, following his example, we may despise all transitory things and seek those that are eternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who being God, lives and reigns with you in […]

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28 February

Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord, that the prayers of thy holy Abbot, blessed Giles may commend us unto thee: that we, who have no power of ourselves to help ourselves, may by his advocacy find favour in thy sight. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, lives and reigns with You […]

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28 February

O God, You taught blessed Gabriel diligently to ponder the sorrows of Your most sweet Mother, and exalted him to the glory of sanctity and the working of miracles; grant us, through his intercession and example, so to mourn with Your Mother, that we may be saved through her maternal care. You Who are God, […]

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28 February

O God, You ordained that Your only-begotten Son should be lifted up above the earth and draw all things to Himself; mercifully grant that, through the merits and example of Your seraphic confessor Joseph, we may be lifted up above all earthly desires and be found worthy to come to Him, who being God, lives […]

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28 February

God our Father, You gave the bishop David to the Welsh Church to uphold the faith and to be an example of Christian perfection. In this changing world may he help us to hold fast to the values which bring eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, lives and reigns […]

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28 February

O God, you continually provide your Church with new examples of virtue, may Your people follow in the footsteps of the blessed confessor bishop Andrew and obtain the same reward he now enjoys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, […]

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