Hail, O Virgin most pure, most powerful Queen whom the human family invokes by the sweet name of Mother! We who cannot invoke an earthly mother either because we never knew her or were very soon deprived of such a sweet and necessary support, we turn to you, certain that you shall be a mother […]
Read MoreObedient to the invitation given in your own maternal words, O Virgin Immaculate of Lourdes, we hurry to your feet at the humble grotto, where you appeared to point out the way of prayer and penance to those gone astray and to dispense the graces and wonders of your supreme goodness to the sick. O […]
Read MoreO Mary, “full of grace and blessed among women,” stretch out the hand of your motherly protection, we ask you, upon us who gather round your queenly throne as your handmaidens, obedient to your command and resolved with your help to bring to realization in ourselves and our sisters the ideals of truth and Christian […]
Read MoreO Virgin, fair as the moon, delight of the angels and saints in heaven, grant that we may become like you and that our souls may receive a ray of your beauty, which does not decline with the years but shines forth into eternity. O Mary, sun of heaven, restore life where there is death […]
Read MoreO Divine Prisoner of the sanctuary, Who for love of us and for our salvation not only enclosed Yourself within the narrow confines of human nature and then hid Yourself under the veils of the Sacramental Species, but also continually live in the tabernacle! Hear our prayer which rises to You from within these walls […]
Read MoreBlessed Virgin who, under the title of Repose, reminds us of the succoring pity with which your maternal heart is open to your children, hear our prayer! Through your powerful intercession, O Mary, may minds and hearts find repose in abandoning themselves to the Will of the Heavenly Father, in the consciousness of their frailty, […]
Read MoreMost Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of all, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart and the request of the Vicar of your Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves and our families to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to you, all the people of […]
Read MoreEnraptured by the splendor of your heavenly beauty, and impelled by the anxieties of the world, we cast ourselves into your arms, O Immaculate Mother of Jesus and our Mother, Mary, confident of finding in your most loving heart appeasement of our ardent desires, and a safe harbour from the tempests which beset us on […]
Read MoreO Lord Jesus Christ, sublime model of all perfection, Thou art ever urging onward all privileged souls in their high aspiration towards the goal of religious life; and, moreover, Thou dost also strengthen them through the powerful force of Thy example and the efficacious influence of Thy grace so that they may be able to […]
Read MoreFrom the depths of this vale of tears where sorrowing humanity makes weary progress, through the surges of this sea of ours, endlessly buffeted by the winds of passion, we raise our eyes to you, O most beloved Mother Mary, to be comforted by the contemplation of your glory and to hail you as Queen […]
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