Prions: O Dieu dont le Fils unique, par sa vie, sa mort et sa resurrection, nous a merite, les recompenses du salut eternel, faites que, meditant ses mysteres dans le tres saint Rosaire de la bienheureuse Vierge Marie, nous mettions a profit les lescons qu’ils contiennent afin d’obtenir ce qu’ils nous font esperer. Par la […]
Read MoreJe crois en Dieu, le Pere tout-puissant, createur du ciel et de la terre. Et en Jesus Christ, son Fils unique, notre Seigneur qui a ete conçu du Saint-Esprit, est ne de la Vierge Marie, a souffert sous Ponce Pilate, a ete crucifie, est mort et a ete enseveli, est descendu aux enfers, le troisicme […]
Read MoreActe de foi Ô mon Dieu. je crois fermement que tu es le Dieu un en trois Personnes divines, le Père le Fils et le Saint-Esprit. Je crois que ton divin Fils s’est fait homme, qu’il est mort pour nos péchés et qu’il reviendra juger les vivants et les morts. Je le crois, ainsi que […]
Read MoreMon Dieu, j’ai un tres grand regret de vous avoir offense parce que vous etes infiniment bon, infiniment aimable, et que le peche vous deplaît. Je prends la ferme resolution, avec le secours de votre sainte Grace de ne plus vous offenser et de faire penitence.
Read MoreHeavenly Father, we thank thee for the most wondrous election of our new Holy Father, Pope N. Now elected, we humbly beseech you Lord, to stand with and guide Holy Father, Pope N. during this great time of trial and tribulation for the Holy Church. We know you have chosen N. because he is the […]
Read MoreDear Lord, We rejoice in the election of our new Holy Father, Pope Francis I. What a wonderful gift you have bestowed upon us in this courageous leader! We thank you for your continued guidance of our Most Holy Church, and we pray you continue to extend your blessings to our Church Fathers and all […]
Read MoreThe everlasting God has in His wisdom foreseen from eternity the cross that He now presents to you as a gift from His inmost heart. This cross He now sends you He has considered with His all-knowing eyes, understood with His divine mind, tested with His wise justice, warmed with loving arms and weighed with […]
Read MoreMy God, I give you this day. I offer you, now, all of the good that I shall do and I promise to accept, for love of you, all of the difficulty that I shall meet. Help me to conduct myself during this day in a manner pleasing to you. Amen.
Read MoreIt is good to mistrust ourselves, but how would that advantage us were we not to throw all our confidence on God, and to wait on His mercy? If you feel no such confidence, cease not on that account from making these acts and from saying to Our Lord: “Yet, O Lord, though I have […]
Read MoreO my God, I thank you and I praise you for accomplishing your holy and all-lovable will without any regard for mine. With my whole heart, in spite of my heart, do I receive this cross I feared so much! It is the cross of Your choice, the cross of Your love. I venerate it; […]
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