Loving Lord Jesus, thank You that You are a God Who hears and answers all our prayers, even those prayers where an answer seems to be a long time in coming. Thank You, that You hear and respond to all Your children who come to you in humility of heart, not relying on our own […]
Read MoreDear Heavenly Father, I feel so weak and foolish when I come to You in prayer as I often do not know what I pray, or how to form the thoughts of my hearts into words that make sense. But Lord, it is a comfort to read in the scripture that the Holy Spirit is there […]
Read MoreLoving Lord, thank You, that You are dwelling in me and I in You, and that You have equipped all Your children with this wonderful privilege of prayer. Thank You, that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ opened up the way for us to come boldly to the throne of grace, and to offer […]
Read MoreLoving Father, teach me to pray like Jesus prayed, from a heart that is in union with You day by day, so that in all things I am praying into Your good and perfect will. Lord, I pray that my prayers may be a sweet incense rising to Your throne of grace, and that through […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, what a privilege we have as Your blood-bought children to be able to enter the throne-room of grace and bring our prayers and supplication right into the presence of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. So Father God, teach me to pray. Please teach me to pray Lord. My heart longs to […]
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