Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, how we rejoice as we remember the wonder and joy of the birth of Christ into our fallen world on that first Christmas night, when the Prince of Peace Himself came to tabernacle among men, as was promised to our forefathers so many years before. Thank You for the gift […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, You are the light of the world and the Prince of Peace that this world desperately needs. How I thank and bless You for coming to earth to die on the cross for our sins, so that all who believe in Your name might be given peace with the Father and may […]
Read MoreThank You dear Heavenly Father, for sending the only begotten and eternal Son of Your love, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be born as a tiny baby in such humble conditions, so that the fallen race of mankind could be redeemed from their sin and be made sons and daughters of the Most High God, […]
Read MoreLord Jesus, we lift up our voices of prayer and praise today as we think especially of Your birth on that first Christmas morning. Lord, many people today will be celebrating Christmas Day with little or no understanding that in coming to earth in the form of a man, You came to die so that […]
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