O Spotless Lamb of God! while Thy judges proclaim Thee an impostor, I rise without fear or shame to declare, in the face of Heaven and earth, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and that I unreservedly assent to all the dogmas and to every article of truth proposed by Thy […]
Read MoreO Salutary Sacrifice! Whose death has opened Paradise: By hostile war oppressed, afraid, To Thee we look for strength and aid. Now to the triune God in Heaven, Be everlasting glory given; Where life eternal in His hand Invites us to our Fatherland.
Read MoreO Holy Family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model and ideal of every Christian family, to you we entrust our families. Open the heart of every family to the faith, to welcoming the Word of God, to Christian witness, so that it becomes a source of new and holy vocations. […]
Read More1. Heart of Jesus, perfect Adorer of God, teach me to adore the Father with Thee and by Thee. 2. Heart of Jesus, burning with love of me, inflame me with Thy Divine Love. 3. Heart of Jesus, only Victim worthy of God, unite me to Thy Divine Sacrifice. 4. Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with […]
Read MoreAlmighty and eternal God, You have, through Jesus Christ, revealed Your glory to all nations. We pray You to preserve the works of Your mercy, that Your Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Your name. We pray You, who alone are good and holy, to […]
Read MoreMy children, know you not that the Earth And all that dwells therein Is but a reflection of the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father? And as you are suckled and comforted By your mother when a child, But you go to join your father in the fields When you grow up, So do the Angels […]
Read MoreO most Sacred Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts, dwell in our hearts and be our King; grant us by Your grace to love each other truly and chastely, even as You have loved Your spotless Bride, the Church, and have given Yourself up for her. Bestow upon us that mutual love […]
Read MoreLord, Jesus We your Church of the Archdiocese of Regina look forward with joy and anticipation to the celebration of the Great Jubilee that marks your birth 2000 years ago. Hear our prayer and send forth your Spirit on us during this time of preparation so that we might become a Church that is reconciling […]
Read MoreSoul of Christ, sanctify the Universal Church. Body of Christ, save the Universal Church. Blood of Christ, fill the Universal Church with love. Water from Christ’s side, wash the Universal Church. Passion of Christ, strengthen the Universal Church. Good Jesus, hear the Universal Church. Within your wounds, hide the Universal Church. Never let the Universal […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, in my present need, help me to believe that you are aware of my anxiety and will do what is best for me. Give me the strength to trust you and put the present and future in your hands. Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
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