About World Touch Ministries<>Wold Touch Miisties is a multifaceted, o-ofit, ite-deomiatio, a Aostolic with a ohetic voice, Chistia Miisty dedicated to the ucomomisig&bs;
Peachig ad demostatio of the Gosel of Jesus Chist. It is a chaismatic/ evagelical ceted fellowshi of believes with a eteal visio.
Wold Touch miisties is a visio with a scoe ad magitude that caot be limited to the commo famewok of the chuch cocet. Its theefoe a commitmet of holistic Chistia gowth souce cete with its membes beig daw fom submitted membes of local chuches.
Visio ad Puose
To build a aostolic House that is led by a team of five fold miisty
Miisty gifts ad aoitigs whose uose is to establish the kigdom of&bs;
God ; siitually ad hysically, by meetig the eeds of eole.
Ou missio is to develo a Wold Touch commuity that effectively egages&bs;
Thei society i:
Leadeshi taiig&bs;
Itecessoy aye
Social egagemet
Aostolic govemet
ellowshi ad discileshi&bs;
Recuitig, taiig, equiig ad leadig missio teams to all eoles of the wold.
About World Touch Ministries<>Wold Touch Miisties is a multifaceted, o-ofit, ite-deomiatio, a Aostolic with a ohetic voice, Chistia Miisty dedicated to the ucomomisig&bs;
Peachig ad demostatio of the Gosel of Jesus Chist. It is a chaismatic/ evagelical ceted fellowshi of believes with a eteal visio.
Wold Touch miisties is a visio with a scoe ad magitude that caot be limited to the commo famewok of the chuch cocet. Its theefoe a commitmet of holistic Chistia gowth souce cete with its membes beig daw fom submitted membes of local chuches.
Visio ad Puose
To build a aostolic House that is led by a team of five fold miisty
Miisty gifts ad aoitigs whose uose is to establish the kigdom of&bs;
God ; siitually ad hysically, by meetig the eeds of eole.
Ou missio is to develo a Wold Touch commuity that effectively egages&bs;
Thei society i:
Leadeshi taiig&bs;
Itecessoy aye
Social egagemet
Aostolic govemet
ellowshi ad discileshi&bs;
Recuitig, taiig, equiig ad leadig missio teams to all eoles of the wold.
WTM hilosohy of a Chistia miisty ad sevice will&bs;
ecomass etwokig(collaboatio) ad actical ACTS&bs;
MODEL(acts 2:42-47)
The Netwokig Aoach&bs;
WTM will collaboate ad etwok with othe Evagelistic,&bs;
missio ad elief miisties aoud the wold at the visio&bs;
missio ad fusio levels:
Collaboative visio; because WTM will shall its uivesal&bs;
Outeach visio with othe miisties, Chuches ad missio&bs;
Agecies to ehace effectively, foge uity the body of Chist&bs;
Collaboative missio; because WTM will co-oeate with othe&bs;
Miisties, Chuches ad Missio Agecies Iteatioally&bs;
i Ou Outeach ogams ad shae latfoms at cusades ad&bs;
othe Missio outeach ogams.
Collaboative fusio; because WTM will be chateig othe&bs;
missio agecies ad bible believig local chuches ude it,s&bs;
siitual ad legal umbella.
Such ogas chated ude WTM shall subscibe to the&bs;
udametal beliefs ad the hilosohy of miisty so adoted&bs;
By WTM. I etu, such ogas shall ejoy the ivilege of&bs;
exemtio om egistatio “A miisty of WTM.”
WTM will’s will icooate the ealy chuch’s ACTS of the&bs;
Aostle model Of caig, shaig ad declaig. The aoach to
Chistia atue is oe of Establishig stog caig&bs;
commuities meetig the eeds of believes Holistically WTM&bs;
believes that a caig commuity will shae what they have&bs;
I such way that o oe will luck amog them. I this caig&bs;
ad shaig atmoshee, the eole of God will cosequetly go
ad declae God’s wod&bs;
to a lost wold i vey actical ways.
Our Services & Events
Sunday services
09:00 Sunday
Tuesday Leaders Meeting
18:30 Tuesdays
Bible Study
18:30 wednesdays
Prayer Meeting
18:00 Fridays
Youth Ministry
16:00 Satardays
Evangelism and feeding program
09:00 satardays
Our Staff
Emmanuel Osward Kaponda
Rev ✤ pastorkaponda@yahoo.com
Tania Williams Kaponda
Treasurer ✤ twilliams@media24.com
Adele Rex
Secritary ✤ world.touch@hotmail.com
Jumat Isaac
Pastor ✤ king.j2000@yahoo.com
Peter James
elder ✤ churchplanters2000@yahoo.com