New LocationWayman Chapel A.M.E. Church has moved to a new location, which features a modern facility with many amenities. Situated on an 8.3 acre park-like parcel, we have ample parking, picnic areas, soccer field, playground facilities, a fishing creek, youth recreation center, day care center, classrooms, administrative offices, and many other features which enhance our ability to administer to the physical, social, economic, and spiritual needs of our members and guests. To visit us, exit I-95 onto Baymeadows Road, going west. After Phillips Hwy., Old Kings Road, and Craven Road, make right turn onto Sanchez Road. Our Church will be on the right.
New LocationWayman Chapel A.M.E. Church has moved to a new location, which features a modern facility with many amenities. Situated on an 8.3 acre park-like parcel, we have ample parking, picnic areas, soccer field, playground facilities, a fishing creek, youth recreation center, day care center, classrooms, administrative offices, and many other features which enhance our ability to administer to the physical, social, economic, and spiritual needs of our members and guests. To visit us, exit I-95 onto Baymeadows Road, going west. After Phillips Hwy., Old Kings Road, and Craven Road, make right turn onto Sanchez Road. Our Church will be on the right.
Ministries of Wayman ChapelBible Study Ministry
Book Store Ministry
Boy Scout Ministry
Church School Ministry
Community Development Ministry
Couples Ministry
Day Care Ministry
Education & Tutorial Ministry
Girl Scout Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Missionary Ministry
Music Ministry
New Member Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry
Parent’s Day Out Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Share Program Ministry
Sick Visitation Ministry
Sign Choir Ministry
Transportation Ministry
UCOM Ministry
Usher Ministry
Video Ministry
Our Services & Events
Morning Worship
Church School
Mid-Week Bible Service
Scouting Programs
Couples Ministry
7:00PM/4th Fridays
Day Care Services
Our Staff
Mark L. Griffin
Pastor ✤
Curtis Gordon
Minister of Music ✤
Pamlyn Gayle
Youth Ministry ✤
Eleanor Daniels
Missionary Ministry ✤
Georgia Buchanan
Day Care Ministry ✤